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Faculty Opportunities

Faculty Opportunities

John P. Laborde Endowed Chair

The Louisiana Sea Grant College Program at Louisiana State University is accepting nominations for the John P. Laborde Endowed Chair for Sea Grant Research and Technology Transfer and Visiting Professor. Applicants should be nationally or internationally recognized for contributions in some area of marine or coastal research, technology transfer, education or business development. Academically affiliated candidates must hold the rank of associate or full professor or its equivalent and will carry similar faculty rank with the Chair appointment. Appointment duration can vary between a few months to a maximum of one year; nominations of individuals eligible for one-half or a full year sabbatical from their institutions are encouraged. Appointees will perform work that directly supplements or complements activities being conducted by the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program. Scholarly work in research, teaching or extension is encouraged with appropriate discipline-based academic departments within of the Louisiana State University system. Those interested in nominating individuals should confirm a nominee’s interest and submit a nomination letter with the candidate’s curriculum vitae, summary of expertise/interests, proposed activity, preferred appointment dates and salary requirements. Although this opportunity is open until filled, review of nominations will begin after August 31, 2024. —  more info about the Laborde Endowed Chair

LUMCON Scientific Diver Training

Scientific Diver-in-Training, commonly referred to as a DIT, is the beginning point for most scientific divers. Generally, a DIT is also a scientist, or scientist-in-training. The training process for a DIT to become a scientific diver is extensive, at least 100 hours minimum. LUMCON is at present the only American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS) designated training facility in the State of Louisiana. Scientific diver certification is required by most academic and government agencies who utilize diving as a research tool for marine science including biology, chemistry, biomedical, engineering and geosciences, and for all diving work conducted in association with LUMCON. — more info on LUMCON Scientific Diver Training