Laborde Endowed Chair
About Laborde Endowed Chair | John P. Laborde | Application Guidelines | Appointees
About Laborde Endowed Chair
The John P. Laborde Endowed Chair for Sea Grant Research and Technology Transfer enables Louisiana Sea Grant to bring highly qualified scientists to LSU to focus on marine and coastal issues critical to the state. Louisiana Sea Grant provides those researchers with supplemental sabbatical funding. To date, nine internationally recognized researchers have been appointed to the endowed chair.
Laborde Chair Application Guidelines
Laborde Endowed Chair appointments vary from one semester to one year, depending on the scope of the problem or topic. Appointees directly support Louisiana Sea Grant research, extension, education or economic development needs.
Currently, nominations are being accepted and nomination guidelines can be found at Laborde Endowed Chair: Application Guidelines. Persons interested in the John P. Laborde Endowed Chair for Sea Grant Research and Technology Transfer can also contact:
Dr. Julie Lively
Executive Director
Louisiana Sea Grant College Program
239 Sea Grant Bldg.
Louisiana State University
Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7507
Phone: (225) 578-6710