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Student Opportunities

Student Opportunities

Knauss Graduate Policy Fellowships

The application period for the 2026 Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship is open. The fellowship provides a one-year, paid experience for highly qualified early career professionals to work on issues related to coastal, marine and Great Lakes science and policy in offices within the executive or legislative branches of government in Washington, D.C. Graduate students interested in marine, coastal, and Great Lakes science and policy should explore the information about the fellowship as soon as possible and talk to their local Sea Grant program (or the National Sea Grant Office) at least one month prior to the February 19, 2025 deadline. more about the Knauss Graduate Policy Fellowship

Fisheries Summit Infographics Competition

Louisiana Sea Grant will host their Louisiana Regional Fisheries Summit 2025: Freshwater Impacts in the Pontchartrain Basin on March 25, 2025. As part of the Summit, there will be an infographic session, where graduate students will display their work and briefly present their research. An infographic is a tool that combines imagery, text and statistical figures to easily convey a subject. The top student will receive a $500 travel award. The final date to submit infographic and brief explanation paragraph is March 7, 2025.more about the Fisheries Summit Infographics Competition

Sea Grant Graduate Fellowships

Sea Grant has many reputable fellowships specifically for graduate students that focus on professional development in budding careers for a variety of marine topics. — more about Sea Grant fellowships