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LaDIA (Discovery-Integration-Application)

Louisiana Sea Grant’s Discovery, Integration and Application Program (LaDIA) expands the impact of research on coastal issues. The program supports scholars interested in applying their work to real world problems and sharing these discoveries with diverse audiences. By encouraging multidisciplinary research efforts and strong links with coastal communities, the LaDIA Program connects science, communication and coastal residents. In essence, the program provides a two-way conduit between university research results and community needs. The LaDIA Program is divided into three areas: LaDIA Fellowships, Coastal Connections and Graduate Research Scholars.


Image: Louisiana SciComm Summit logoLouisiana SciComm Summit

This science communication workshop—created by graduate students, for graduate students—is a two-day event designed to increase communication skills for Louisiana graduate students in the natural, physical and behavioral sciences. It is open to all graduate students who are currently enrolled at Louisiana universities and colleges. The Louisiana SciComm Summit will consist of a series of panels, engaging speakers, concurrent breakout sessions and working groups. These activities aim to enhance the communication skills of graduate student researchers and foster a community of practice for science communication.

Find out more about Louisiana SciComm Summit >


Image: LaDIA flyer 2024

LaDIA Fellows Program

Fellowship applications were due on November 18, 2024 at 5:00 pm, CST.

These one-year fellowships represent an extraordinary opportunity for highly talented, tenure track faculty conducting research in coastal Louisiana. Over the course of two retreats, fellows will broaden their knowledge of coastal concerns, hone their science communication skills and expand their ability to address coastal challenges through applied research. LaDIA Fellows are selected based on their potential to develop innovative approaches to coastal research and willingness to explore innovative solutions to coastal challenges in Louisiana.

Find out more about LaDIA Fellows Program >


Image: GRS flyer, 2022

Graduate Research Scholars

Note: Applications were due on November 21, 2022.

Louisiana Sea Grant is providing a coastal immersion program that combines community engagement and science communication training. Select students will participate in a series of activities highlighting the needs of coastal residents and the importance of responsive, integrated research initiatives.

Find out more about Graduate Research Scholars >



Image: Coastal Connections Infographic Challenge at UNO

Coastal Connections

Coastal Connections allows students to present their research in a non-academic format, such as a modified Three Minute Thesis (3MT™) delivery, infographics or TikTok videos, ultimately allowing the students the opportunity to consolidate their ideas and crystalize their research discoveries. These approaches develop academic, presentation and research communication skills and support the development of students’ capacities to effectively explain their research in language appropriate to non-specialist audiences.

Find out more about Coastal Connections >