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Van Lopik Scholarship Program

Dr. Jack and Annagreta Hojhdal Van Lopik Superior Graduate Student Research Scholarship Program

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About the Scholarship


Jack Van Lopik

Dr. Jack Van Lopik

Dr. Jack Van Lopik, the first and longest serving Director of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program at LSU, and his wife Annagreta Hojhdal Van Lopik, established the Dr. Jack and Annagreta Hojhdal Van Lopik Superior Graduate Student Scholarship (Van Lopik Scholarship) to assist graduate students pursuing advanced degrees in disciplines related to the mission and focus areas of the Louisiana Sea Grant College Program, as detailed in the Strategic Plan of the organization. The intent is to support the Sea Grant mission of furthering the wise and sustainable use of ocean and coastal resources by increasing the number of researchers and the body of knowledge in related fields including but not limited to biology, ecology, geology, fisheries, environmental science, coastal resiliency and design, natural resources economics, environmental education and disaster preparedness, extension and resiliency.

To fulfill the purpose of the Van Lopik Scholarship the funds generated by the endowment will be used to support the work of qualified graduate students pursuing professional degrees at Louisiana State University (LSU) in appropriate fields with emphasis on recruiting, retaining and graduating such students. Depending on the availability of accrued investment funds a minimum of three students will be awarded $10,000 for one year which will be in the form of a scholarship to cover stipend, conference travel, field travel, field experiences, etc.  Funding will be awarded in two lump sums. One at the beginning of the scholarship, and one upon completion of the final report.

To learn more about Jack Van Lopik, visit www.laseagrant.org/2015/in-memory-jack-van-lopik/