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UROP: 2011 Funded Projects

Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

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Funded Projects: 2011

Student Project Title Faculty Sponsor
Catherine Brunner
Louisiana State University
Oyster recruitment in Barataria Bay following the Deepwater Horizon oil leak and opening of the Davis Pond freshwater diversion structure. Dr. William Stickle
Emily Cardarelli
Tulane University
Seasonal impacts influencing denitrification in wetlands. Dr. Brad Rosenheim
Kyle Coblentz
Tulane University
The effects of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on intertidal benthic macroinvertebrate communities Dr. Caz Taylor
Renee Dale
Louisiana State University
Rate of microalgal growth with different levels of CO2 Dr. Maria Teresa Gutierrez-Wing
Dr. Kelly Rusch
Caitlyn Guice
Southeastern Louisiana University
Hydrocarbon bioconcentration by Rangia cuneata at varied salinity Dr. Phillip Voegel
Alison Heppermann
University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Does salinity variation affect Spartina patens biomass? Dr. Jenneke Visser
Kate Hotard
Nicholls State University
Is ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase activity in the hepatopancreas of the fiddler crab, Uca pugilator, influenced by the molting physiology? Dr. Enmin Zou
Jonathan Marshak
Tulane University
Mapping a recent crevasse splay: grain size analysis of facies in the Attakapas crevasse splay. Dr. Torbjörn Törnqvist
Nhan T. Nguyen
Louisiana State University
Internal loading of phosphorus in Lake Pontchartrain: lmplications for harmful algal blooms Dr. John White
Dr. Sibel Bargu Ates
Tel Rouse
Louisiana State University
Determination of optimal temperature range for maximum lipid and pigment yields from a local Louisiana algae strain Dr. Kelly Rusch
Dr. Maria Teresa Gutierrez-Wing
Michael Truax
Louisiana State University
Effects of the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill on the swimming performance and the post-exercise recovery of Gulf killifish collected along coastal regions of Barataria Bay, Louisiana Dr. Fernando Galvez
Chase Weidert
Louisiana State University
Evaluating the potential oyster contamination from cyanobacterial toxins in Breton Sound estuary Dr. Sibel Bargu Ates
Nathan Yeldell
Louisiana State University
Effects of reef age and oyster density of restored or created oyster reefs along the northern Gulf of Mexico coast on resident nekton communities Dr. Megan La Peyre